英语优质文章 (英语短文 经典美文)

各位网友们好,相信很多人对英语优质文章 都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于英语优质文章 以及英语短文 经典美文的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!本文目录一览1、关于英语优秀文章 2、经典

各位网友们好,相信很多人对英语优质文章 都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于英语优质文章 以及英语短文 经典美文的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


  • 1、关于英语优秀文章
  • 2、经典优秀英语美文


英语 散文 的翻译,最难的不是语言的翻译,而是如何传递原文所给人的感觉和神韵。下面是我带来的关于英语优秀 文章 ,欢迎 !

  关于英语优秀文章 篇一
  Alienation and the Internet (网络,你“离间”了人群?)

  The Internet provides an amazing forum for the free exchange of ideas. Given the relatively few restrictions governing access and usage,it is the communications modal equivalent of international waters.1 It is my personal belief that the human potential can only be realized by the globalization of ideas. I developed this position2 years before the Internet came into wide spread use. And I am excited at the potential for the Internet to dramatically alter our global society for the better. However I am also troubled by the possible unintended negative consequences.

  There has been much talk about the“new information age.”But much less widely reported has been the notion that the Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users.3 At first this might sound like an apparent contradiction:how can something,that is on the one hand responsible for global unification by enabling the free exchange of ideas,alienate the participants?

  I had a recent discussion with a friend of mine who has what he described as a“problem”with the Internet. When I questioned him further he said that he was“addicted,”4 and has“forced”himself to go off-line. He said that he felt like an alcoholic,in that moderate use of the Internet was just not possible for him.5 I have not known this fellow to be given to exaggeration,therefore when he described his internet binges,6 when he would spend over twenty-four hours on line non-stop,it gave me pause to think. He said,“the Internet isn‘t real,but I was spending all my time on line,so I just had to stop.”He went on to say that all of the time that he spent on line might have skewed7 his sense of reality,and that it made him feel lonely and depressed.

  The fragmentation of society has been lamented for some time now. It seems to me that it probably began in earnest after World War II when a generation returned from doing great deeds overseas. They won the war,and by God they were going to win the peace. Automobile ownership became commonplace and suburbs were created.“Progress”was their mantra.8 So even prior to the Internet‘s widespread popularity,folks were already becoming distanced from their extended families and neighbors. And when we fast-forward to today we see an almost cruel irony in that people can and often do develop on-line relationships with folks on the other side of the globe,without leaving their homes. But at the expense of the time that would have otherwise been available for involvement in other activities which might foster a sense of community in their villages,towns and cities.

  Last weekend my wife and I invited our extended family to our home to celebrate our daughter‘s birthday. During the celebration my young nephew spent the entire time on my computer playing a simulated war game. My brother-in-law and I were chatting near by and it struck us that in generations past,his son,my nephew,would have been outside playing with his friends. But now the little fellow goes on line to play his games against his friends in cyberspace.

  It seems to me that the Internet is a powerful tool that presents an opportunity for the advancement of the acquisition and application of knowledge. However,based on my personal experience I can understand how,as they surf the web some folks might be confronted with cognitive overload.9 And I can also understand how one might have his or her sense of reality distorted in the process. Is the Internet a real place?Depending upon how a“real place”is defined it might very well be. At the very least,I believe that when we use the Internet,we are forced to ask fundamental questions about how we perceive the world about us—perhaps another unintended consequence. Some would argue that the virtual existences created by some users who debate,shop,travel and have romance on line are in fact not real. While others would argue that,since in practical terms,folks are debating,shopping,travelling and having romance,the converse is true.

  All of this being said,I believe that the key to realizing the potential of the Internet is in achieving balance in our lives. This would allow us to maximize its potential without losing our sense of place.10 However like most things that is easier said than done. It seems to me that we are a society that values immediate gratification above all else,and what better place to achieve it than in cyberspace,where the cyber-world is your cyber-oyster.11 The widespread use of the automobile forever changed our society and culture,and perhaps a similar sort of thing is occurring now. I am not at all certain where the“information superhighway”will lead us:some say to Utopia,12 while others feel it‘s the road to hell. But I do know that we all have the ability to maintain our sense of place in the world. Whether we choose to take advantage of this ability is another matter.
  关于英语优秀文章 篇二
  You! 生命 在你的手里——超越卓越的你

  Consider…YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come,there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow!Stop and think about that. You‘re better than one in a million,or a billion,or a gazillion…

  You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!

  You‘re amazing!You’re awesome!And by the way,TAG,you‘re it. As amazing and awesome as you already are,you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature,but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don’t become“beautiful”just by virtue of the aging process.

  Real beauty comes from learning,growing,and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly,and sometimes painfully,by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.

  Paint a Masterpiece.

  God gives every bird its food,but he doesn‘t throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go,whatever you want to do,it’s truly up to you.



  你是了不起的!你是卓越的!没错,就是你。你已经是了不起的,是卓越的,你还可以更卓越更了不起。美丽的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美丽的 人却是艺术的杰作。但你不会 年龄的渐长就自然而然地变得“美丽”。



  关于英语优秀文章 篇三
  The Blanket (一床双人毛毯)

  Floyd Dell,born June 28,1887,Barry,Ill.,U.S. died July 23,1969,Bethesda,Md. novelist and radical journalist whose fiction examined the changing mores in sex and politics among American bohemians before and after World War I. A precocious poet,Dell grew up in an impoverished family and left high school at age 16 to work in a factory. Moving to Chicago in 1908,he worked as a newspaperman and soon was a leader of the city‘s advanced literary movement. He became assistant editor of the Friday Literary Review of the Evening Post in 1909 and editor in 1911,making it one of the most noted American literary supplements. As a critic,he furthered the careers of Sherwood Anderson and Theodore Dreiser. A socialist since his youth,he moved to New York in 1914 and was associate editor of the left-wing The Masses until 1917. Dell was on the staff of The Liberator,which succeeded The Masses,from 1918 to 1924. His first and best novel,the largely autobiographical Moon-Calf,appeared in 1920,and its sequel,The Briary-Bush,in 1921. Homecoming,an autobiography taking him to his 35th year,was published in 1933. His other novels on life among the unconventional include Janet March(1923),Runaway(1925),and Love in Greenwich Village(1926)。His nonfiction includes Were You Ever a Child?(1919),on child-rearing;the biography Upton Sinclair:A Study in Social Protest(1927);and Love in the Machine Age(1930),which presented his views on sex. Little Accident,a play written with Thomas Mitchell and based on Dell’s novel An Unmarried Father(1927),was successfully produced in 1928. Dell joined the Federal Writers Project and moved to Washington,D.C.,in the late 1930s as an official for the project. He continued in government work after the project ended,until his retirement in 1947.

  Petey hadn‘t really believed that Dad would be doing It—sending Granddad away.“Away”was what they were calling it.Not until now could he believe it of his father.

  But here was the blanket that Dad had bought for Granddad,and in the morning he‘d be going away. This was the last evening they’d be having together. Dad was off seeing that girl he was to marry. He would not be back till late,so Petey and Granddad could sit up and talk.

  It was a fine September night,with a silver moon riding high. They washed up the supper dishes and then took their chairs out onto the porch.“I‘ll get my fiddle,”said the old man,“and play you some of the old tunes.”

  But instead of the fiddle he brought out the blanket. It was a big double blanket,red with black stripes.“Now,isn‘t that a fine blanket!”said the old man, oothing it over his knees.“And isn’t your father a kind man to be giving the old fellow a blanket like that to go away with?It cost something,it did—look at the wool of it!There‘ll be few blankets there the equal of this one!”

  It was like Granddad to be saying that. He was trying to make it easier. He had pretended all along that he wanted to go away to the great brick building—the government place. There he‘d be with so many other old fellows,having the best of everything. . . . But Petey hadn’t believed Dad would really do it,not until this night when he brought home the blanket.

  “Oh,yes,it‘s a fine blanket,”said Petey. He got up and went into the house. He wasn’t the kind to cry and,besides,he was too old for that. He‘d just gone in to fetch Granddad’s fiddle.

  The blanket slid to the floor as the old man took the fiddle and stood up. He tuned up for a minute,and then said,“This is one you‘ll like to remember.”

  Petey sat and looked out over the gully. Dad would marry that girl. Yes,that girl who had kissed Petey and fussed over him,saying she‘d try to be a good mother to him,and all. . . .

  The tune stopped suddenly. Granddad said,“It‘s a fine girl your father’s going to marry. He‘ll be feeling young again with a pretty wife like that. And what would an old fellow like me be doing around their house,getting in the way?An old nuisance,what with my talks of aches and pains. It’s best that I go away,like I‘m doing. One more tune or two,and then we’ll be going to sleep. I‘ll pack up my blanket in the morning.”

  They didn‘t hear the two people coming down the path. Dad had one arm around the girl,whose bright face was like a doll’s. But they heard her when she laughed,right close by the porch. Dad didn‘t say anything,but the girl came forward and spoke to Granddad prettily:“I won’t be here when you leave in the morning,so I came over to say good-bye.”

  “It‘s kind of you,”said Granddad,with his eyes cast down. Then,seeing the blanket at his feet,he stooped to pick it up.“And will you look at this,”he said.“The fine blanket my son has given me to go away with.”

  “Yes,”she said.“It‘s a fine blanket.”She felt the wool and repeated in surprise,“A fine blanket—I’ll say it is!”She turned to Dad and said to him coldly,“That blanket really cost something.”

  Dad cleared his throat and said,“I wanted him to have the best. . . .”

  “It‘s double,too,”she said,as if accusing Dad.

  “Yes,”said Granddad,“it‘s double—a fine blanket for an old fellow to be going away with.”

  17 The boy went suddenly into the house. He was looking for something. He could hear that girl scolding Dad. She realized how much of Dad‘s money—her money,really—had gone for the blanket. Dad became angry in his slow way. And now she was suddenly going away in a huff. . . .

  As Petey came out,she turned and called back,“All the same,he doesn‘t need a double blanket!”And she ran off up the path.

  Dad was looking after her as if he wasn‘t sure what he ought to do.

  “Oh,she‘s right,”Petey said.“Here,Dad”—and he held out a pair of scissors.“Cut the blanket in two.”

  Both of them stared at the boy,startled.“Cut it in two,I tell you,Dad!”he cried out.“And keep the other half.”

  “That‘s not a bad idea,”said Granddad gently.“I don’t need so much of a blanket.”

  “Yes,”the boy said harshly,“a single blanket‘s enough for an old man when he’s sent away. We‘ll save the other half,Dad. It’ll come in handy later.”

  “Now what do you mean by that?”asked Dad.

  “I mean,”said the boy slowly,“that I‘ll give it to you,Dad—when you’re old and I‘m sending you—away.”

  There was a silence. Then Dad went over to Granddad and stood before him,not speaking. But Granddad understood. He put out a hand and laid it on Dad‘s shoulder. And he heard Granddad whisper,“It’s all right,son. I knew you didn‘t mean it. . . .”And then Petey cried.

  But it didn‘t matter—because they were all crying together.

  Floyd Dell


  英语美文题材丰富,涉及面广,大多蕴涵人生哲理。引导学生欣赏美文,不仅能提高他们的 理解能力,而且能使他们得到 熏陶,从而提高学生对周围事物的认识。下面是我带来的经典优秀英语美文 ,欢迎 !

  经典优秀英语美文 篇一

  Twelve Keys for Building Trust The foundation of any relationship, whether it be with a Business associate, spouse, parent, client or, friend, is trust. Trust is not something that can be built with quick fix techniques. Rather, it is something that is cultivated through consistent habits in your interactions. The following are twelve patterns of behavior that increase trust in your relationships.

  1. Be transparent

  Do not try to hide things from others. Refuse to have any hidden agendas. You might think you can pull a fast one on someone else. You can’t. Most people have good intuition and even though they may not be able to consciously determine that you are hiding something, they very likely will have an uneasy feeling around you. If they don`t feel comfortable around you, they won't be able to trust you.

  Another sinister aspect of having hidden agenda is that it erodes your ability to trust others. You will assume that if you aren’t fully forthcoming, other people aren’t either. When you are trustworthy, however, you will see others as more trustworthy too.

  2. Be sincere

  This is similar to the previous point. Only say what you mean. Be impeccably honest with your words. Refuse to try and craft your words to manipulate others. Don`t give fake compliments, patronize others or say something just because you think you are supposed to. Again, people have good BS detectors. When others know that you only speak genuinely, it increases their capacity to trust you. Everyone loves authenticity.

  3. Focus on adding value

  In any relationship, always have the best interest of others at heart. Work hard to give as much or more than you get. When you consistently add value to someone`s life, they not only feel like you are on their side, they also have the urge to reciprocate. In Business relationships, this means always under-promise and over-deliver. In personal relationships, focusing on meeting the needs of the other person instead of taking in order to get your own needs met.

  4. Be present

  The last thing anyone wants is to have a conversation with someone who isn’t there. Instead of retreating into your head, focus on listening to others. Whenever you are with someone, make them your primary focus. Don’t think about work while you are at Home talking to your spouse. Don’t think about life at Home when you are with a client. When it comes to relationships, presence means quality time and quality time builds trust.

  5. Always treat people with respect

  Ever since we were little kids, we have been taught to be respectful. However, when our standards get violated or there is no one around to see , we can often engage in petty behavior. This encompasses a wide range of actions from personal attacks during arguments to gossiping behind someone’s back.

  Always remember that another person’s inherent worth as a human being entitles them to be treated with dignity. When people know that you will always treat with them respect, it is very natural for trust to flourish.

  6. Take responsibility

  When you mess up, which you invariably will, be quick to clean it up. Skip the excuses and just take responsibility. Justifying and making excuses may help you in the short term but in the long run, it does nothing for your character or the level of trust you are given. Accountability is a rare trait these days with most people wanting to avoid negative consequences at all costs. Dare to be different and you will win the trust of others.

  7. Focus on feedback

  Unless you`re a mind reader, the only way you can know how well a relationship is going is by getting feedback from the other person. Be not only willing to accept feedback – actively seek it out. Many people are afraid to give you feedback, especially if its negative, out of fear that they will offend. Ask with sincerity and respond respectfully and others will be far more willing. Take both the positive and negative into account along with your own judgment and adjust your behaviour accordingly.

  8. Take critici well

  Learn to handle critici with grace. Instead of getting defensive, consider the possibility that what the other person is saying might be true. Closing yourself off from critici has the effect of closing off all communication.

  In some cases, the critici may indeed be inaccurate. In these instances, you have the opportunity to show empathy. Try to understand the problem from the other person’s point of view. Perhaps the critici is just a thinly veiled attack that stems from a deeper upset they may have with you. In these cases, your willingness to dig deeper without getting defensive will certainly enhance the trust in the relationship.

  9. Set boundaries

  Be clear about how you expect people to behave around you. Again, do this in a mature manner: be sincere and respectful. When you have clear standards, people know exactly how to behave around you and that gives them certainty. The strength that you communicate by setting boundaries builds trust – when someone knows that they can`t take advantage you that alleviates the fear that someone else will.

  10. Be a class act

  Hold yourself to a higher a standard. Be quick to apologize when you know you are wrong. Only speak well of others, even those who don`t speak well of you.

  Why should you do this? First, imagine what it would do to your sense of self to know that other people only have good experiences with you. Second, imagine how much trust such behaviour engenders in others. Finally, imagine the example you set for others – the conduct of others will improve just by being around you consistently.

  11. Your word is your bond

  Keep all the promises you make and ensure that you make promises only sparingly. Make your word stronger than any written contract. Refuse to make empty promises and manipulate people.

  When a promise you have made is no longer beneficial to you, instead of deciding to not follow through, attempt to renegotiate the deal. When you renegotiate the agreement, ensure that the new commitment provides even more value to the other person.

  12. Be consistent

  Above all, be consistent in your behavior. Don’t engage in the behavior once in a while when it seems convenient. Your consistency is the key to your trustworthiness. Small actions add up and a track record of high character is invaluable in any relationship. Become intensely principle-centered and trust will follow easily and consistently.

  经典优秀英语美文 篇二

  最高期望Pete Rose, the famous baseball player, whom I have never met, taught me something so valuable that changed my life. Pete was being interviewed in spring training the year he was about to break Ty Cobb's all time hits record. One reporter blurted out, "Pete, you only need 78 hits to break the record. How many at-bats do you think you'll need to get the 78 hits?" Without hesitation, Pete just stared at the reporter and very matter-of-factly said, "78." The reporter yelled back, "Ah, come on Pete, you don't expect to get 78 hits in 78 at-bats, do you?"

  Mr. Rose calmly shared his philosophy with the throngs of reporters who were anxiously awaiting his reply to this seemingly boastful claim. "Every time I step up to the plate, I expect to get a hit! If I don't expect to get a hit, I have no right to step in the batter's box in the first place!" "If I go up hoping to get a hit," he continued, "then I probably don't have a prayer of getting a hit. It is positive expectation that has gotten me all of the hits in the first place."

  When I thought about Pete Rose's philosophy and how it applied to everyday life, I felt a little embarrassed. As a business person, I was hoping to make my sales quotas. As a father, I was hoping to be a good dad. As a married man, I was hoping to be a good hu and. The truth was that I was an adequate salesperson, I was not so bad of a father, and I was an okay hu and. I immediately decided that being okay was not enough! I wanted to be a great salesperson, a great father and a great hu and. I changed my attitude to one of positive expectation, and the results were amazing. I was fortunate enough to win a few sales trips, I won Coach of the Year in my son's baseball league, and I share a loving relationship with my wife, Karen, with whom I expect to be married to for the rest of my life! Thanks, Mr. Rose!

  经典优秀英语美文 篇三


  Bob Richards, the former pole-vault champion, shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played. This teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship.

  Even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always standing with cheering. He never missed a game. This young man was still the allest of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn't want to. But the young man loved football and decided to hang in there. He was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he'd get to play when he became a senior.

  All through high school he never missed a practice nor a game but remained a bench-warmer all four years. His faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him.

  When the young man went to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a "walk-on." Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did. The coach admitted that he kept him on the roster because he always puts his heart and soul to every practice, and at the same time, provided the other members with the spirit and hustle they badly needed.

  The news that he had survived the cut thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father. His father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but he never got to play in a game.

  It was the end of his last football season, and as he trotted onto the practice field shortly before the big playoff game, the coach met him with a telegram. The young man read the telegram and he became deathly silent.

  Swallowing hard, he mumbled to the coach, "My father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?" The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said, "Take the rest of the week off, son. And don't even plan to come back to the game on Saturday."

  Saturday arrived, and the game was not going well. In the third quarter, when the team was ten points behind, a silent young man quietly slipped into the empty locker room and put on his football gear. As he ran onto the sidelines, the coach and his players were astounded to see their faithful teammate back so soon. "Coach, please let me play. I've just got to play today." said the young man. The coach pretended not to hear him. There was no way he wanted the worst player in this close playoff game.

  But the young man persisted, and finally feeling sorry for the kid, the coach gave in. "All right," he said. "You can go in." Before long, the coach, the players and everyone in the stands could not believe their eyes. This little unknown, who had never played before was doing everything right. The opposing team could not stop him. He ran, he passed, blocked like a star.

  His team began to triumph. The score was soon tied. In the closing seconds of the game, this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown. The fans broke loose. His teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. Such cheering you never heard.

  He looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that my dad was blind?" The young man swallowed hard and forced a ile, "Dad came to all my games, but today was the first time he could see me play, and I wanted to show him I could do it!"

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