



  • 1、端午节的由来英语 端午节的由来英语带翻译
  • 2、端午节的由来英语版

端午节的由来英语 端午节的由来英语带翻译


2、Dragon Boat Festival is a festival set up to commemorate the famous patriotic poet Quyuan.

3、在我国历史上,端午节是为了纪念屈原的说法已经有1500多年的历史了。相传,屈原投汨罗江后,当地百姓闻讯马上划船捞救,一直行至洞庭湖,始终不见屈原的 。那时,恰逢雨天,湖面上的小舟一起汇集在岸边亭子旁。

4、In the history of our country, the idea that Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Quyuan has a history of more than 1500 years. Legend has it that after Quyuan threw himself into the Miluo River, the local people immediately rowed boats to rescue him, and went all the way to Dongting Lake, never to see Quyuans body. At that time, on rainy days, boats on the lake gathered together near pavilions on the shore.

5、当人们得知是为了打捞贤臣屈大夫时,再次冒雨出动,争相划进茫茫的洞庭湖。为了寄托哀思,人们荡舟江河之上,此后才逐渐发展成为龙舟竞赛。百姓们又怕江河里的鱼吃掉他的身体,就纷纷回家拿来米团投入江中,以免鱼虾糟蹋屈原的 ,后来就成了吃粽子的习俗。

6、When people learned that it was to salvage Dr. Qu, a wise minister, they rushed out again in the rain and scrambled into the vast Dongting Lake. For the sake of mourning, people go boating on rivers and rivers, and then gradually develop into dragon boat races. People were afraid that the fish in the river would eat his body, so they went home and put rice balls into the river to avoid the fish and shrimp spoiling Quyuans corpse, which later became the custom of eating dumplings.





  The Dragon Boat Festival is traditionally celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar, and is therefore often called 'Double Fifth Festival'. In Chinese, the holiday is called Duan Wu Jie.

  The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates the life and death of the famous Chinese scholar-state an Qu Yuan, who lived some three centuries before the birth of Christ. Qu Yuan was a loyal minister that served the King of Chu during the Warring States Period. Qu Yuan was a highly respected and trusted advisor to the King of Chu. He fought the corruption of other officials of the court.

  Initially, Qu Yuan was favored by his sovereign, but over time, his wisdom and erudite ways antagonized the other court officials. Eventually, the intrigues of his rivals exerted enough ill influence on the King that Qu Yuan soon found himself in disfavor. The King began to not listen to Qu Yuan's suggestions and advice. Not long after, the King banished Qu Yuan from Chu. While in exile, Qu Yuan composed many poems expressing his sorrows and concerns for his country and people. Amongst his most famous poems is "Encountering Sorrow," a poem describing his search for a good sovereign that would listen to good advice regarding government.

  In the year 295 B.C., at the age of 37, Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Milo River. He clasped a heavy stone to his chest and leaped into the water. Knowing that Qu Yuan was a righteous man, the people of Chu rushed to the river to try to save him. The people desperately searched the waters in their boats looking for Qu Yuan, but they were unsuccessful in their attempt to rescue him. Every year the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated to commemorate this attempt at rescuing Qu Yuan.

  When it was known that Qu Yuan had been lost forever, the local people began the tradition of throwing sacrificial cooked rice into the river for their lost hero. However, a local fisherman had a dream that Qu Yuan did not get any of the cooked rice that was thrown into the river in his honor. Instead, it was the fishes in the river that had eaten the rice. So, the following year, the tradition of wrapping the cooked rice in bamboo leaves was begun. The cooked rice wrapped in bamboo leaves later came to be known as zong zi.

  There is also another version of the story. When it was known that Qu Yuan had been lost to the river, the local fisherman had a dream that the fishes in the river were eating Qu Yuan's body. The local people came up with the idea that if the fishes in the river were not hungry, then they would not eat Qu Yuan's body. So the local people began the tradition of throwing zong zi into the river to feed the fishes in hope that Qu Yuan's body would be spared.





  The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar. It is one of the most important Chinese festivals, the other two being the Autumn Moon Festival and Chinese New Year。

  The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan. He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court。

  Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow Chu Yuan threw himself into the Mi Low river. Because of their admiration for Chu Yuan, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Lo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons。

  Although they were unable to find Chu Yuan, their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival。





  Duanwu Festival is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth.[citationneeded] It has since been celebrated,in various ways,in other parts of East Asia as well. In the West,it's monly known as Dragon Boat Festival.

  The exact origins of Duan Wu are unclear,but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan(340 BC—278 BC)of the Warring States Period. He mitted suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government. The local people,knowing him to be a good man,decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu's body. They also sat on long,narrow paddle boats called dragon boats,and tried to scare the fish away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking carved dragon head on the boat's prow.

  In the early years of the Chinese Republic,Duan Wu was also celebrated as Poets' Day,due to Qu Yuan's status as China's first poet of personal renown.

  Today,people eat bamboo—wrapped steamed glutinousrice dumplings called zongzi(the food originally intended to feed the fish)and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death.


  The dragon boat festival is a lunar holiday, occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

  The chinese dragon boat festival is a significant holiday celebrated in china, and the one with the longest history. the dragon boat festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.

  The boat races during the dragon boat festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet chu yuan. chu yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 b.c. chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. this later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings. the celebration's is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. it is done so by different practices such ashanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's nemesis, chung kuei. if one manages to stand an egg on it's end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.


  Dragon boat race traditions at the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. these exciting races were inspired by the villager's valiant attempts to rescue chu yuan from the mi lo river. this tradition has remained unbroken for centuries.

  Tzung tzu a very popular dish during the dragon boat festival is tzung tzu. this tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. the tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scatterin

  Grice across the water of the mi low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour chu yuan.

  Ay taso the time of year of the dragon boat festival, the fifth lunar moon, has more significance than just the story of chu yuan. many chinese consider this time of year an especially dangerous time when extra efforts must be made to protect their family from illness. families will hang various herbs, called ay tsao, on their door for protection. the drinking of realgar wine is thought to remove poisons from the body. hsiang bao are also worn. these sachets contain various fragrant medicinal herbs thought to protect the wearer from illness.




  The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. This festival is to commemorate the death of QU Yuan, an upright and honest poet and state an who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

  The most important activity of this festival is the Dragon Boat races. It symbolizes people‘s attempts to rescue Qu Yuan. In the current period, these races also demonstrate the virtues of cooperation and teamwork.

  Besides, the festival has also been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice)。 Zong zi is made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. People who mourned the death of Qu threw Zong zi into the river to feed his ghost every year.

  With the changes of the times, the memorial turns to be a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of year. People will hang healthy herbs on the front door to clear the bad luck of the house. Although the significance of the festival might be different with the past, it still gives the observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich Chinese cultural heritage.




  随着时代的变迁,纪念变成了邪恶和疾病的保护对今年剩下的时间。人们会健康草药在前门摆脱房子的坏运气。虽然这个节日的意义可能与过去不同,但仍然给观察者一个机会,看到了丰富的中国 遗产的一部分。


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