merry Christmas 歌词女外国人唱的(merryChristmas歌词)

大家好,本篇文章为大家解答以上问题,相信很多人对merry Christmas 歌词女外国人唱的都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于merry Christmas 歌词女外国人唱的以及merryChristmas歌词的问题知识

大家好,本篇文章为大家解答以上问题,相信很多人对merry Christmas 歌词女外国人唱的都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于merry Christmas 歌词女外国人唱的以及merryChristmas歌词的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


  • 1、有一句歌词是merry meery christmas,女声,英文的。
  • 2、有首英文歌里面有句歌词好像是“Merry Christmas my heart”的,是一个女的唱的。

有一句歌词是merry meery christmas,女声,英文的。

merry, merry christmas
  歌手:new kids on the block 专辑:merry, merry christmas
  Peace to the world from the New Kids On The Block, we are here,
  we're spreading all our joy, spreading all our love and our cheers.
  Cheerful sleigh bells ring, choir children sing,
  it's peace and love and harmony we bring.

  Hail, merry Christmas, merry, merry Christmas
  to all our sisters and brothers
  Hail, merry Christmas, merry, merry Christmas
  let all of the world join our hands.

  There's a feeling in the air, it's beginning to look like Christmas everywhere.
  Hear the gentle sounds of the snowflakes trickle down without a care.
  People stop and stare, the Christmas tree is there,
  a star on top which nothing can't compare.

  Hail, merry Christmas, merry, merry Christmas
  it's all about peace and understanding
  Hail, merry Christmas, merry, merry Christmas
  let all of the world lend a hand

  A time for me, a time for you,
  there's enough of love to last our whole life through
  Hail, merry…

有首英文歌里面有句歌词好像是“Merry Christmas my heart”的,是一个女的唱的。

Sarah Connor- Christmas In My Heart
  Every time we say goodbye(每次我们说再见的时候)
  There's something breaking deep inside(内心深处总有一些一些伤感)
  I tried to hide my feelings to keep myself controlled(我想收起我自己能够控制的感受)
  But somehow I can't deny what's deep inside my soul(但是我不能否认那些深埋在我灵魂深处的东西)
  I;ve been always on the run(我一直都在奔走)
  So many different places, having fun(那么多不同的地方都充满乐趣)
  But like a river always knows just where to flow(就像一条河总是知道自己将流向何方)
  Now that December comes I feel like coming home(现在冬天来了就像回家了)
  It's Christmas in my heart(我心里的圣诞节)
  When I'm with you(就是和你一起的时候)
  No matter where we are or what we do(无论我们在哪里,无论我们做了什么)
  Tomorrow may be grey(明天可能是灰色的)
  We may be torn apart(我们可能要分离)
  But if you stay tonight(但是如果你今晚留在这里)
  Its Christmas in my heart(这就是我心里的圣诞节)
  verse 2
  I dot know how to stay alive(我不知道怎么样去活下去)
  Without your touch without you by my side(没有你的感动,没有你在我身边)
  Just like the desert's always waiting for the rain(就像沙漠在等着雨水的滋润)
  Oh baby, I wish the holy night would come again(宝贝,我希望这样圣洁的夜晚又会来临)
  Everywhere I go and everyone I know(我去到任何地方,我认识的每一个人)
  Is making lots of wishes for old Santa Claus(都在向圣诞老人许愿)
  But all I really need tonight(但是今晚我真正需要的是)
  Is for you to come and hold me tight(你回来抱着我)
  What is Christmas without you here by my side(没有你的我身边的圣诞节什么也不是)
  I need you tonight(今晚我需要你)
  Its Christmas in my heart(我心里的圣诞节)
  When I'm with you(就是和你一起的时候)
  No matter where we are or what we do(无论我们在哪里,无论我们做了什么)
  Tomorrow may be grey(明天可能是灰色的)
  We may be torn apart(我们可能要分离)
  But if you stay tonight for Christmas(但是如果你今晚为了圣诞节留在这里)
  You'll fulfill at all my wishes(你就会满足我的愿望)
  If you stay tonight(如果你今晚留在这里)
  Its Christmas in my heart(这就是我心里的圣诞节)
  Its Christmas in my heart(这就是我心里的圣诞节)

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