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小学英语教学课件 PPT

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Unit3 Lets paint Unit4 We love animals Unit 3 Lets paint (1) 操练游戏 …并用英语说出图上内容. 第五课时 (……
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创设符合教学内容的贴近学 活的真实的教学情境是小学英语课堂实施有效教学的重要途径. 三,设计教学语言应简单明了 教师在组织小学英语课堂教学活动时应尽量时用英语,必要时可以通过肢体……
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一,教学设计的概念 教学设计又称教学系统设计,是指为达到预期的教学目标,运用系统观点和方法,遵循教学过程的基本规律,对教学活动进行规划的过程. 一,教学设计的概念 分析教学问题和学……
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The typhoon 朗文深港版 六年级设计理念设计内容教学应用设计特点设 计 理 念以信息技术为桥梁, 以兴 教学为主线, 以 创设情景为……
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『小学英语课件』少儿英语课件 认识英文26个字母大小写

认识英文26个字母大小写 Aa Kk J j I i Yy Oo Rr [e] [aI] [o][a] Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz ……
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『小学英语课件』牛津小学英语3A 《Unit 10 Thank you》 的课件

牛津小学英语3A 《Unit 10 Thank you》 的课件
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『小学英语课件』小学英语课件 六年级whats Dongdong going to do?

小学英语课件 六年级whats Dongdong going to do?
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『小学英语课件』小学英语课件 湘教版六上the children are playing no..

小学英语课件 湘教版六上the children are playing noisily
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『小学英语课件』小学英语课件 五年级Module 7 Unit It’s very hot.

小学英语课件 五年级Module 7 Unit It’s very hot.
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Unit Seven 《 Shall we go to the concert 》 同学们 你们知道用英文怎样表达有关"建议"的交际用语吗 让我们听…听读课文,学会用英语提出"……
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Sing a song This is my hair. This is my hair. This is my head. This is my hand. These are ……
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Where… There is (Theres) … . 1 2 3 4 5 6 Whats… There are… . Whats… There are … . 1 1 2 4 ……
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九年义务教育课程 实验教科书小学英语五年级上册Unit 1 Part A Lets talk 此页为目录页,按目录的顺序逐步展示 点击蓝色的活动标题,可进入相关的页面.单击每页的……
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《PEP小学英语》六年级下册 教材分析 2006年2月 一,教材编排的改变 1,全册共有4个单元,两个recycle是针对小学所有教学内容的总体复习单元. 2, 教学内容较少,8……
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F u n w i t h E n g l i s h 6B Unit4 Review Lets sing! 1,形容词的比较等级有三个 , , . 2,表示"与……一样"时用 ……
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第九课 第二课时 深圳市 区南华小学 王肃峰 教材分析 本课主要学习任务是用句型What do you want I want to eat/drink…询问和回答个人的口 嗜……
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小学英语第四册备课 无影山小学 侯晓霞 教学内容及前后联系 Book1unit4,unit6 ; Book2unit3,unit5; Book3unit2;Book5unit3;B……
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《牛津小学英语》 4B教材培训 江苏省句容市教育局教研室 李 陆 林 一,教材概况 1,总体情况 共10个单元,每个单元分为7个板块. 共出现156个单词和13个词组,其中有64 ……
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『小学英语』小学《英语》课件 第一册精讲

小学《英语》 第 一 册 精 讲 第一册的结构 九个单元 每三个单元一个复习 一个故事 英语字母书写总表 p 91 …要求学生根据提供的图画情景说出英语.Part A复习家庭成……
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3B 执教者 市江宁实验小学 王小香 Unit 8 IF YOURE HAPPY 如果你快 __ 2.……stomp your feet(stomp, stomp) … 3…….
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6B Unit 8 Review and check (The fifth period) 陆家中心校 朱梅芳 《 英语报》正在征稿,这次的话题为 _s best friend……
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Spring is coming . 执教者 徐市中心小学 程艳 Wheres she Shes in the zoo. Wheres he Hes in the park. Wh……
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『小学英语』小学《英语》 第三册精讲

小学《英语》 第 三 册 精 讲 第三册修订版 删减了部分内容 减少了词汇总量 增加了教学过程活动 突出了主要句型…建议开展的任务型活动 在教室的黑板上开辟一个天气预报栏目,由……
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『小学英语』PEP Book 2 Unit 6

PEP Book 2 Unit 6. Part A Let`s learn! 温州育英国际实验学校. 小学英语组王珍. Guessing Time . 两撇小胡子,油嘴小牙齿,. ……
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PEP英语四下 A Read and write. Recycle. What’s this? This is the playground. What’s that? That ……
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小学英语三年级下册(PEP). Unit 3 <>. 说课教师:李文波. Ten little candles dance. How many flowers c……
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『小学英语』PEP BOOK 5 Unit 1 Let’s learn &Let’s talk

PEP BOOK 5 Unit 1 Let’s learn&Let’s play. Saturday, Saturday What do you do on Saturdays? ……
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『小学英语』《pep小学英语》五年级上册Unit4 第三课时

今天,我说课的内容是《pep小学英语》五年级上册Unit4 第三课时A Read and write,Let’s play,C Pronunciation。 说课将采用“六说一写……
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PEP小学英语第七册第三单元(A)Lets read 教学。主要是通过读懂Let’s read段落,让学生根据段落内容写出提纲式的Liu Yun’s weekend plan. ……
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2008 06 02 15 34 21 仁爱九年级上Unit4 Topic 1 Section A课件[九年英语课件]

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 15 32 50 仁爱版九年级英语课件 上册Unit4 Topic 1 Section C[九年英语课件]
仁爱版英语课件:9年级上Unit4Topic1SectionCTeachingaimsanddemands1.Mastersomenewwordsandphrases doubt,nodoubt,tiny,cancel,connect,2.Goonlearningtheusageofobjectcomplement Atthesametime,theyhav…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 15 31 37 仁爱版9年级英语课件 上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section B[九年英语课件]
Unit4Topic1SectionB仁爱版9年级上Teachingaimsanddemands.Learnsomeusefulwordsandexpressions examination,againandagain,prove,hero.2.LearnsomethingaboutShenzhouⅥandShenzhouⅤ.3.Developthestud…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 15 28 51 仁爱版9年级上Unit 4 Topic 1 Section D课件[九年英语课件]
仁爱版9年级上册课件Unit4Topic1SectionDTeachingaimsanddemandsLearnsomenewwordsandusefulexpressions screen,clickon2.Summarizethegrammarfocus objectcomplement3.Reviewexpressionsaboutspaceshipa…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 15 24 18 仁爱版英语七年级上册课件 What does your mother do[七年英语课件]
Unit3Topic2Whatdoesyourmotherdo课件仁爱版英语七年级上册SectionAadriverLookatthepictures,askandanswer afarmeracookanurseanofficeworkeradoctorWhatdoeshe/shedoHe/Sheisa(an)……Askandsayadriverafarm…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 15 22 26 仁爱版初一英语课件 U4 T3 SC[七年英语课件]

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 14 15 33 新湘教版英语8年级下课件 Unit 8 Topic 3 Section A[八年英语课件]
新湘教版8年级下课件Unit8Topic3SectionATeachingaimsanddemands1.Learnsomeusefulwordsandexpressions ①afashionshow,shoppingcenter,hearof,modeltheclothes,bewearing…②A What(else)didshesayB Willyo…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 14 11 41 仁爱版英语课件 初二下册Unit 8 Topic 2 Section D[八年英语课件]
新湘教版8年级下Unit8Topic2SectionD课件Teachingaimsanddemands 1.Review"Itis adjective (that)clause".2.Feelings Improvethestudents'patrioticfeelings.Review①Whattypeofclothesdoyouliketowear②Do…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 14 08 35 仁爱版七下Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A 课件[七年英语课件]

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 14 02 57 仁爱版八年级英语课件 下册Unit 5 Topic 1 Section B[八年英语课件]

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 13 52 15 仁爱版英语八下Unit 8 Topic 3 Section A课件[八年英语课件]
新湘教版8年级下课件Unit8Topic3SectionATeachingaimsanddemands1.Learnsomeusefulwordsandexpressions ①afashionshow,shoppingcenter,hearof,modeltheclothes,bewearing…②A What(else)didshesayB Willyo…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 13 49 54 新湘教版7年级下Unit 6 Topic 3课件[七年英语课件]
新湘教版7年级下Unit6Topic3指路问路问路和指路AskforandgivedirectionsonthestreetAskingfordirections Excuseme.Where'sthepostofficeExcuseme.Isthereabankintheneighborhood/nearhere(ahotel)Couldyoutellme…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 13 47 11 仁爱版英语7年级下 Unit 7 Topic 2 Section A课件[七年英语课件]
新湘教版7年级下课件Unit7Topic2SectionAReviewWorkingroups.Writea anyverbphrasesasyoucan.Let'sseewhichgroupcanwritethemostphrases.Onephraseonepoint.Now,let' egin.playbasketball打篮球playfootba…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 13 40 34 仁爱八下英语课件 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A[八年英语课件]
新湘教版8年级下Unit5Topic3SectionAUnit5Topic3SectionARevisionSupposeyouareabsent,anotherstudentisateacher,makeadialogbetweenyouandyourteacher.Teacher Hello!MayIspeaktoLiMingStudent Hello!…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 13 38 02 仁爱版八年级英语下Unit 7 Topic 3 Section D课件[八年英语课件]
新湘教版8年级下Unit7Topic3SectionDTeachingaimsanddemands 1.Learnthewaysandimportanceofhealthyeating.2.Consolidatecomparativeandsuperlativeformsofadverbs.3.Practicewriting.ReviewHowdoyouea…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 13 36 22 仁爱版英语8年级下Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A单词学习课件[八年英语课件]
新湘教版8年级下Unit5Topic1SectionA单词学习nervousHefeelsnervou ecausethereissomethingwronginhisstomach.richThemanisveryrichbecausehehassomuchmoney.WorriedThegirllooksworried.unhappyHelooksun…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 06 02 13 33 34 仁爱版英语8年级下Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A课件[八年英语课件]
新湘教版8年级下Unit5Topic1SectionAReview 1Howareyou/Howareyoudoing2Youlooksohappy,Why3Didyouhaveagoodholiday4Whyall ilingfacesLook,listenandsayWearesohappy.WhataboutKangkangandMichaelLis…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 05 31 11 58 20 湘教版仁爱英语8年级下 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section A课件[八年英语课件]
新湘教版8年级下Unit6Topic3SectionA新湘教版8年级下Unit6Topic1SectionAReviewMakeasurveyinclass HowdoyouusuallygotoschoolWhydoyougotoschoolby…WalkBymotorbikeBybusBybikeHowmanystudentsgotoschoolby…

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 04 17 11 37 45 仁爱版八年级下Unit 6 Topic 3 Section C 教学课件[八年英语课件]
仁爱版八年级下Unit6Topic3SectionC教学课件含听力MP3及同步FLASH课件中特意设置了就课文的问答环节,不仅要学生答,而且要求学生必须会提问。只有反复练习,他们才能熟悉这篇课文。此课文属于励志篇,有些句子不太容易懂,需 当增加课时。

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别
2008 04 10 10 21 10 新课标高中英语必修1课件 English around the world Warming up[高一英语课件]

软件大小 未知运行环境 Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式 免费版推荐级别


【 #课件# 导语】课件是教学一篇课文的开场白,是教师在新课的开始阶段,从一定的目的出发,用很短的时间,并采取一定的方法或手段,激发学生学习新课的心理情绪的重要教学环节。下面是 的后续更新吧!



  unit 3 part a look, read and say


  1、学 听说读单词exciting

  2、学 听说读写单词excited, sports.

  3、学 了解一般过去时的意义和基本用法:it was there just now. they were here a momentago.








  一、free talk

  t hello, boys and girls. its a fine day today, isnt?

  s yes.

  t what date is it today?

  s its …

  t whens your birthday?

  s my birthdays on the …of …

  t my birthdays on the … of … so yesterday was my birthday. i got manypresents and i was very excited. understand?

  s yes.

  t and i watched a sports meeting on tv with my friends. its olympicgames. when was the beijing olympic game?(课件展示奥运会图片和口号)

  s it was on the 8th of august.



  t do you like olympic games?

  s yes, i do.

  t so i think you like sports.

  (课件展示 的单词和图片,以旧带新读出新单词)

  t:look, the children are having a sports meeting. lets say a chant.

  the students look at the pictures and say the chant together

  swimming, swimming, theyre swimming.

  skating, skating, theyre skating.

  skiing, skiing, theyre skiing.

  running, running, theyre running.


  t look, the men are running, they are having a running race.


  t look at the pictures and tell me what race is it?

  (课件出示游泳比赛、赛 马和赛车的图片,让学生说一说)


  t which race do you like watching?

  s i like watching … races.

  t why?

  s because its …

  t its very exciting.(课件出示图片和单词)



  t when you watch the exciting games, how do you feel?

  s i feel very happy.

  t me, too. i will feel very excited.




  5、was were以及一般过去时的意义。

  根据学生对视频的描述,教师将课件上的be动词一个个改为was, were并示范朗读,同时出现一般过去时的意义并让学生归纳be动词的变化规律。

  6、just now, a moment ago

  t; 如何判断一个句子是否为过去时呢?在一般过去时的句子中常会出现表示过去时间的时间状语,如just now, a moment ago.

  (朗读单词和词组,用其中的新单词moment ago组词造句)





  listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions.

  五、practice in groups

  use the things in the gift boxes and make dialogues.




  1、Can follow the tape and points out the correct English Numbers.

  2、Can use the correct English pronunciation and intonation say 1 to 10,saying the chant.


  1.According to the teachers‘ instruction to act。

  2.Listen to the music, and cultivate with the ability of music songs.


  Through games, action performances and other activities, develop andmaintain students interest in learning English.


  To be able to understand and speak English number 1 to 10 。


  To understand and sing English songs


  The new teaching


  Listen ,act ,and the game method




  Ⅰ、Warm up

  Lets chant

  One finger, two finger, three fingers, four

  One two three four five fingers more

  Six finger, seven finger, eight fingers, nine

  Six seven eight nine ten fingers ten.


  T: Good morning! Boys and girls.

  Ss: Good morning!

  T: Show me your pencil/ruler/schoolbag/book.

  Ss will do action.


  1.Teacher will show some pictures and let students describe thepictures.

  T: Look at the pictures. Whats this?

  S1: Its a tiger.

  T: Ok! How many tigers do you see? You can speak Chinese.

  2.Teacher will write the new word on the blackboard.

  T: Read after me.

  Ss read the new words together.

  3.Teacher will show the other new words by the pictures.

  4.Students will read the new words by the cartoon.


  1.Teacher let students count their fingers. Who can act it?

  2.Teacher show some pictures and let students count it one by one.

  3.Listen and do. Teacher will say the numbers and students do action.

  T: Show me five. Students listen and do action.

  4.Students watch the cartoon and chant after it.

  5.Students read the new words by the word cards.

  6.Students chant after the tape.


  Unit4 numbers

  One two three four five


  1.Students will count the real things.

  2. Sing 1 10 English songs to your parents.





  Whens your birthday? My birthdays on…

  What would you like as a birthday present?

  Id like…根据实际情况进行问答。

  3.通过完成D部分练习,使学生 听力填空的答题技巧。



  Whens your birthday? My birthdays on…

  What would you like as a birthday present?

  Id like…根据实际情况进行问答。




  Unit 3 Bens birthday

  A Whens your birthday?

  B My birthdays on…

  A What would you like as a birthday present?

  B Id like…


  A. Free talk


  2.Look and say(看日历说日期)

  3.Free talk

  T What day is it today? T What date is it today?

  T Whens your birthday? T What would you like as a birthday present?

  T Would you like a …?

  T Whens the Teachers Day?/Whens the Childrens Day? S Its Monday.

  S Its the…

  S Its on the…

  S Id like a …

  S Yes, I do./ No, I dont.

  S Its on the tenth of September./Its on the first of June.

  B. Read and act

  1. Books opened at P22. Read the text after the tape.

  2. Then read in chorus. Try to recite the text.

  3. Act the dialogue.

  C. Ask and answer

  1.T Whens your birthday?

  T What would you like as a birthday present?

  Open the books at P25. Ask and answer in pairs.

  2. Do a survey


  A Xxs birthday is on … He would like……

  D. Listen and write

  1.Books opened at P26.Look at the picture , please.

  T Bens birthdays coming. He is talking to his family about his birthdayparty. What would he like as his birthday present? Lets listen carefully.

  2.T What would he like as his birthday present?

  T What else would he like?

  T What color?

  T What does Ron want?

  3.Listen to the tape again and fill in the blankets.

  4.Check up the answers.

  5.Read the sentences in chorus.

  S He would like a big cake with a lots of strawberries.

  S He would like some fish.

  S A blue one and a yellow one.

  S He wants a blue fish, too.

  E.Assign homework

  1. Ask and answer(P25)

  2. 通过询问制作全班同学生日表。

  3. 预习Part E。


  教学内容:小学英语第一册第四单元Part A 中的 Lets learn .(单词:rabbit、duck、dog、panda、bird、bee、monkey ) ,句子:I have a ……








  师:(手指多媒体)同学们,这节课我们要乘坐Welcome 列车到动物王国里游玩一番,你们愿意吗?(生:愿意!)

  OK!Are you ready ?(生:Yes.) Now ,class begin !

  师生问好:Good morning ,class. (S Good morning , Miss Lin .) OK,sit down ,please .



  师:那让我们来看个究竟吧!(多媒体展示各种小动物的动态图片)——生动有 的动画效果,激起学生的学习兴

  师:第一个出场的是谁……(在多媒体展示的过程中,学生说出各种小动物, 师借此板贴单词卡片)——结合个别学生课外参加补习班的情况,而这一课的单词又比较常见,很多同学能直接说出这些小动物用英语怎么说。因此,借此导课。



  ①、师:刚才 师听到有些同学知道这些小动物用英语怎么说, 师可真佩服你。那么,你能站起来再说一遍吗?——及时鼓励!能说几个就说几个!——让每个学生知道自己很棒,感受成功的喜悦!

  (生说单词。师:你真棒! 师要奖励你一个小粘贴,希望你继续努力。同学们给他鼓掌。)

  ②、师:有没有7个单词全会读的同学?(生举手)请你们站起来给同学们大声读一遍好吗?——教读一遍单词,在给好学生表现机会的同时, 师了解学生的知识水平。


  ①、提出学习要求:我们同学可真棒!那么,如果让你把自己知道的知识教给你小组的同学,一会儿我们小组之间比一比,你们愿意吗?(生:愿意!)请你拿出单词卡片,我们比一比哪位同学最 于助人,哪个小组学到的单词最多。开始!

  ②、同学们互教互学, 师巡视指导,督促性格内向或者知识基础较差的学生。——基于学生知识两极分化严重的问题,在 学生现有知识水平的基础上(根据情况可将基础好的学生分散到各个小组当中),通过以好带差,在好学生“吃好”的同时,让差生“吃的饱”!保证全体学生的参与,促进全体学习的积极性和主动性!



  (分组考单词,并预于奖励。根据时间,最后剩下的.小组 用集体考的方式,保证所有同学参与到学习中来。)



  3、教学Lets do 。




  小队比赛:①、高低音比赛;②、中英对换练习;③、选代表背对黑板,师指单词,生读,小组代表做相应动作,比谁最快。最慢的将接受背诵七个单词的考验,单词过关才能为小队赢得商标;④、利用问答的形式练读句子:I have a……(对上一节课知识的巩固,也是本节课的一个知识点)(师:Whats your name ? 生:根据头饰回答自己的名字:My name is …然后举起手中的手偶:I have a……)——结合实际,温顾知新 、培养学生的竞争意识、激起学习兴


  1、师:同学们我们来放松一下好吗?请同学们站起来,跟 师一起说,随大屏幕一起做(Lets do)。

  ——多媒体配上各种小动物的叫声,演示各种小动物的动作。学生兴 高涨。

  2、练读Lets do 。师:请同学们这样做: 师说Jump like a rabbit 。同学们说 rabbit、rabbit、rabbit 。并完成相应的动作。OK?谁愿意到前面来领做?——愉快教学

  3、练习Lets do 。师说生做;生说生做。


  师:同学们,这节课我们学了七个单词,你们都会了吗?(生:会了。)那你们有胆量让在座的各位 、 师考考你们吗?(生:有!)请同学们开始行动!(学生各自找 师考单词)——培养学生的交际能力、更全面地检测学生的知识 情况。


  师:同学们,除了这七个单词你还知道其他的英语单词吗?(指名说)好了, 已经响了。由于时间的关系我们只能说到这里。同学们看这样好不好。课后我们将自己知道的单词进行搜集整理,下节课我们来比一比看谁知道的单词最多,看谁是我们班的英语小 ,OK?——利用学生高涨的情绪,将知识自然地扩展到课外,同时让每个同学 于完成作业。

  师:OK!Class is over . Good bye !

  生:Bye bye. Miss Lin.



  本节课是PEP Book3第五单元第一课时。这是以“食物”为话题,主要教学“rice,noodle, fish, beef, soup, vegetable .”这6个新词,复习 “Can I have some…, please? Sure. Here you are. 句型,并初步 What would you like for dinner ? Id like some…新句型。并能积极的运用所学英语进行表达、交流,从而进一步激发和培养同学学习英语的兴 ,发展自主学习的能力以和综合运用英语的能力。


  (一)、Warm up


  2. Lets sing:Apple song


  1、Ask and answer

  T Good morning. Ss Good morning.

  T Whats your name? Ss My name is ….

  T How are you ? Ss Fine, thank you.

  T How old are you? Ss I am 11.

  2、Lead in

  T Look at the screen. This is my room. Whats this?

  Ss Its a TV/sofa/shelf/fridge/bed…

  T Do you like it?

  Ss Yes, I do. / No, I dont.

  T Then whats on the table?

  Ss Eggs/Bread/Milk/Chicken/Juice/Hot dog/Hamburger…

  (用富有节奏的歌声将同学带入英语学习的 园,调动同学的积极性,也为 学习作好语言知识 感态度上的准备。通过多媒体课件的演示,将内容直观地出现在同学面前,发明逼真的语境。)

  3、Game:Quick response.

  T Lets do a quick response. Ill point to a picture. If you like it, you please say Can I have some…,please?

  S1 Can I have some milk, please?

  S2 Can I have a hamburger, please?

  S3 Can I have some juice, please?

  T Sure. Here you are. (Give students the pictures.)


  (三)、Presentation & Drill

  1、 T Look at the screen. This is Zooms restaurant. In this restaurant, we can see a lot of nice food and drinking. What would you like?

  S1 I like bread.

  S2 I like milk.

  S3 I like chicken.

  S4 I like juice.

  T So many people like to go to the restaurant. Look! This is the menu. What would you like?


  Juice ¥3 rice ¥1

  bread ¥2 fish ¥8

  milk ¥1 beef ¥10

  chicken ¥9 soup ¥4

  hot dog ¥3 noodles ¥5

  hamburger ¥3 vegetable ¥2

  2、If you want to go to the restaurant and you want to eat something, you must learn to say the new words rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles and vegetable. Today I invite Zoom to help us. You can read the words after him.

  3、Lets do a quick response. Ill say a word, you please listen and raise your card quickly, ok?

  4、Wonderful! Would you like to eat the nice food? I think you should say Can I have some…,please?

  Raise the pictures and let the students practice Can I have some noodles, please?

  Teacher answers Sure. Here you are.

  5、Right! Then please open your books to Page 58. You can see a menu. Listen to the tape and then read after it.

  (运用多媒体课件,创设学习氛围,协助同学从Zooms menu中学习单词。)


  1、Look at my picture. If you like the food , please stand up and say Can I have some…,please?

  Help the other students to say Sure. Here you are.

  Practice in your groups.

  2. Then we can go to Zooms restaurant.

  Im the waitress. Welcome! Can I help you?

  Let the students buy something.

  Can I have some…,please?

  Sure. Here you are.

  3、Who wants to be the waiter or waitress?

  (借助图片再次复现单词和句型,开展小组操练,有助于下一环节操练内容的开展。开始进行情境模拟,先由 师辅助练习。把活动的主动权交给同学,让同学真正体验活动的 。)


  1、Today weve learnt Unit 5 What Would You Like, A. weve learnt 6 new words. And go to Zooms restaurant. Lets read the menu again.

  And if we want to buy food, we should say….

  2、 After the class, I hope you can use the words and sentences in your life.

  3、 Homework Go to the KFC with your father and mother. Please try to speak English to buy food.


  本课教学中,我为同学创设了一个喜闻 见的情境——Zoom开 餐馆,在情境中,同学可以练习所学的单词,可以练习实用的句型,还可以初步了解西方的饮食习惯,一举多得,我教得省力,同学学得开心。在这几年的教学实践 中我们不难发现,同学对吃的食物总是有很高的热情。曾经有一个同学,平时的英语学习一团糟,但在学习食物单元时却获得了前所未有的好成果。 究其原因,就是“兴 ”两字在起作用。教食品单元时 师经常会带上一大堆可口的食物,大家边吃边学,吃得开心,学得顺心,就算真的没带事物来,也会带来有好看好吃的食物欣赏,无意识地同学就 了这一大堆的 单词。除实物外,多媒体课件是教师营造逼真交际情境的手段。本课中教师除借助它发明了真实的情境外,还让多媒体开口,让Zoom教同学新单词,着实把同学的兴 激发了起来,也确实收到了很好的教学效果。   在 教学中,我们不难发现任务型教学模式所倡议的教学理念鼓励师生之间进行互动,要求教师把教学内容融入具体的任务中,让同学边学边用,边用边学。在进行教学 时,同学在明确的任务目标驱动下,经常能比较自觉、主动参与课堂实践。这真正实现了以话题为核心,以任务为主线,任务以活动为载体,活动以同学为中心的教 学原则。在教学中,教师的价值就在于组织同学开展 时、 当的活动,和时提供并调整同学学习运用交流过程中发生的问题,通过结合教学目标设计出意义的情境 任务活动,引起同学的共鸣,促进同学积极主动地投入英语学习中。本课在设计时,早早地提出了Zoom的餐馆的任务,不但让同学有明确的任务目标,而且引起了同学强烈的 心和参与欲 望;然后,又借助课件创设出的逼真的情境,让Zoom教 小朋友们学习新单词,并通过师生、 等不同结构的操练,巩固了教学效果。同学在感知语言的过程中通过餐厅中点餐的任务情境,习得了这个对话。像这样,在执 行任务的过程中,待时机幼稚时创设真实的活动场景,使同学学之能用,学之即用,既可以培养同学在逼真的情境中自编对话、相互交际的能力,又可以培养同学的 协作精神,充沛发挥他们的各项职能特征,真正体现英语学习的交际性。

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