



1. (及物动词) 辩护;防护

2. (不及物动词) 保卫;防守


【英美发音】: 英音 [di’fend] 美音 [di’fend]


1. The lawyer will defend his client in court. (律师会在法庭上为他的客户辩护。)

2. The soldiers are ready to defend their country against any threat. (士兵们已经准备好保卫他们的国家免受任何威胁。)

3. He defended his position with strong arguments. (他用强有力的论点为自己的立场辩护。)


1. protect (v.) – 保护,防护

– We must do everything we can to protect the environment.


– It’s important to use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.


2. defend (v.) – 辩护,防守

– The lawyer will defend his client in court.


– The soldiers are ready to defend their country against any threat.


3. guard (v.) – 守卫,把守

– The security guard is responsible for guarding the entrance.


– We need to guard against potential dangers in our daily lives.



1. defense (n.) – 防御,辩护

– The army is responsible for the defense of the country.


– The lawyer presented a strong defense for his client.


2. protect (v.) – 保护,防护

– It’s important to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses in bright sunlight.


– Parents have a responsibility to protect their children from harm.


3. safeguard (v.) – 保护,维护

– We need to safeguard our personal information from identity theft.


– The government implemented measures to safeguard national security.



1. guard (v.) – 守卫,保护

– The security guard is responsible for guarding the entrance.


– The soldiers are tasked with guarding the border.


2. protect (v.) – 保护,防护

– It’s important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.


– The police are here to protect the public and maintain law and order.


3. shield (v.) – 保护,屏蔽

– She shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight with her hand.


– The umbrella shielded him from the rain as he walked down the street.



1. attack (v.) – 攻击,进攻

– The enemy launched a surprise attack on our troops.


– The boxer is known for his aggressive attacking style.


2. surrender (v.) – 投降,放弃抵抗

– The army was forced to surrender after running out of ammunition.


– He refused to surrender and fought until the very end.


3. yield (v.) – 屈服,让步

– The protesters demanded that the government yield to their demands.


– He finally yielded to his wife’s insistence and agreed to go on vacation.



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